Agora Lending - Reviewed & Compared


Agora Lending makes their name on a more or less no-frills approach, giving mortgage shoppers excellent rates on the most popular mortgage configurations. This makes them a solid contender for mainstream borrowers who need traditional financing for a home purchase.

Company Overview

Agora Lending came onto the scene in 2013, and immediately got to work getting home buyers excellent rates on traditional mortgages. They aren’t the flashiest game in town, but they do get the job done.

MORE: Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

What Agora Lending Does Best

They have great rates on the most popular mortgage types, mainly 30-year fixed rate mortgages, 5/1 ARM Mortgages, and 30-Year Fixed Jumbo mortgages. These are far and away the top choices of home buyers, so Agora serves a large portion of the home buying populace.

MORE: Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

Any Negatives?

If you are looking for more exotic mortgage configurations, they may not have what you want. But assuming you want a 30-year fixed rate mortgage, they should be on your comparison worksheet.

What Others Are Saying

I like Zillow a lot, and Zillow likes Agora Lending. Enough said!

Our Final Verdict: 8.8/10

Agora may not have the biggest selection of mortgage types, but they have excellent rates, making them a definite contender on any mortgage shopper’s list.

  • Excellent rates on popular mortgages
  • Simple application process
  • Live loan experts to talk to via phone
  • Solid reviews from Zillow