Ally - Reviewed & Compared


There are lenders who are very hands off, and give you rates and terms. Then there are lenders who give you a ton of information and help, while also giving excellent rates. That’s Ally, one of the better mortgage lenders we’ve found.

Company Overview

In business since 1919 (that’s almost 100 years!), ALLY has made a name for itself by offering excellent financial products with the experience and professional touch borrowers love. And yes, they are a top name in mortgage lending.

MORE: Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

What Ally Does Best

They have the most complete slate of fixed rate mortgage terms that we’ve seen so far. Really – we’re looking at 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 Year Fixed Rate Mortgages, which is pretty impressive.

Their website also filled me with a sense of reassurance. You could talk to them at any time, and even get pre-approved, so you go shopping knowing your mortgage will be there when you find your dream home.

MORE: Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

Any Negatives?

I couldn’t find any. Maybe that their name isn’t on the tip of consumer’s tongues like some other big lenders? But that’s about it (hint: they were known as GMAC – yea, so you’ve heard of them!)

What Others Are Saying

Over the years, as GMAC, they developed a solid reputation as a premium, trusted lender. So they get nice marks here.

Our Final Verdict: 8.7/10

Ally looks at people as well as numbers, and has all of the mortgage and refinancing options homeowners want. I really liked them. If you are ok with “online only” and a fairly short time in business (I’m personally fine with these), check them out.

  • Fantastic lender who has all of the mortgage types
  • The best variety of fixed rate terms we’ve come across
  • Wonderful website with all the trimmings
  • Live help for those who wish it