HARP Quiz - Reviewed & Compared


HARPQuiz.com™ is an online mortgage aggregator service matching consumers with mortgage lenders that fit their criteria. Let’s see how they stack up.

Company Overview

In business since 2007, HARPQuiz.com is a purely online mortgage lending service that works with consumers and multiple lenders to find the best match. It’s a popular way to shop for a mortgage or refinance, and HARPQuiz.com does it well.

MORE: Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

What HARP Quiz Does Best

They have a very simple process to get you multiple lenders and rates. In fact, they assume that’s why you are here, because the site begins with an easy Q&A that guides you step by step. There’s little else to distract you as well - they do not clog up the site with articles, tools and calculators, instead putting their resources into finding consumers what they want quickly.

MORE: Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

Any Negatives?

If you are looking for articles, calculators and other info to assist in your search, it’s not here. This is a service for people who know what they want.

One more thing - while I found their website decent, it's a solid B in my mind. In other words, I have found other company's websites a little easier to navigate when looking for specific information.

What Others Are Saying

They have an A rating with the Better Business Bureau (and far more positive reviews than negative), so I’d feel comfortable using them to find a lending partner.

Our Final Verdict: 8.9/10

HARPQuiz.com is a well-rounded mortgage service, and offers consumers custom-matched lenders for their specific needs.

  • They offer all types of mortgages
  • Multiple lenders mean great rates.